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My project...


Hi! I am a junior in the Alachua County Public High School. I am super invested in helping our community in whatever way I can and recently, I've found a topic worth talking about.

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Spread Awareness!

Why spreading awareness on the "Don't Say Gay" bill is important.

If you live in Florida, chances are word about bill 1557 also dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill has made its way to you. For those who do not know, bill 1557 will restrict talk about sexuality and gender identity in the education system. Primarily this will take place in grades k-3, however due to the bills vague nature, its possible this could change to higher grades. However, even in those grades, the subject will be treated as taboo. This will isolate kids in our community. Thus informing people in our community about this is really important.

How YOU can help?

What you can do to help spread awareness

Although things like this might seem to big to handle, it is completely in our power to spread awareness and take action. Heres a few things YOU can do to help. 

  1. Posters and Flyers

  2. Attending public service events

  3. Hosting a booth

  4. Social Media ​

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My Rethink Experience

My Gainesville Chamber of Commerce "reThink" Fellowship Program experience (Provides a community volunteer mentor to pair with a high school student and assist with conducting a community project) ...thus far has been very helpful and memorable. I learned a lot from each meeting and the one more to come. Talking with my mentor has also been a very fun experience. To be able to put something like this together.

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